
Yesterday was Fun


We had a ya baby, a why is my chart not moving, and a near miss.

2 Minute Crude Oil Chart

Ya baby speaks for itself, lost data while in the second trade so I sat there wondering why my stop was hit while price had not moved, and the third was a near miss of target with the trailing stop taken out for break even.

All in all just another day in the pit.


Mrbochin23 said...

Good think that I didn't cause big losses.
Question........what stop working IB or Sierra Chart, I am asking because I have both, and I hear a lot of complains about the interaction of IB data with Sierra Chart.
Just wondering.

Solfest said...

I have been using a third party data feed, so none of the above.

Solfest said...


Miguel I have been using bar chart as the data provider to sierra charts for a few weeks now.

Will reassess after a month or so to see if it is worth the $$.