
The People Have Spoken

I am happy for my American neighbors and their new President elect. It was nice to see the excitement that Obama has brought to the American people. The voter turnout sounds like it was huge, and that is a wonderful thing for a democracy. The fact that a racial barrier was absolutely destroyed is also a wonderful thing.

I asked myself who I would have voted for, my Canadian political bent is conservative, but after the last 8 years of Republican rule in the U.S. you feel as though someone needs to take a bullet for where America currently is.

Unfortunately John McCain gets that bullet.

I admire McCain for his candor and sense of right and wrong. When the crazy haired lady made some ridiculous statements about Obama in a town hall meeting McCain could have just let it pass and move on, neither condemning or condoning the statement. That may have been the right move politically, but McCain could not do that. He shut her down and complimented his rival, Mr. Obama, on what a great family man he is.

That is John McCain.

My only concern with Obama are his views on business. He seems to view business as the enemy. I assume this is only political rhetoric to get elected, but those are his words.

That leads me to question does he truly understand how an economy works, does he think that governments create wealth?

Only businesses create wealth, only businesses create jobs, and only businesses generate tax revenue.

All government attempts at creating jobs are simply a redistribution of money that the private sector has all ready created. Without the engine of private commerce there is no government as there is no money for government.

Now Mr. Obama was given the perfect storm in which to bash "big" business, a bunch of idiot investment bankers bankrupt their company's. Then the Republican government decided they were too big to fail. If that's the case then they shouldn't be allowed to exist in their current form. If they are too big to fail then they should be nationalized.

As others have stated you cannot have privatized profits and socialized losses.

As I have stated they should have gone under. Period.

You will notice that since the government started pumping in billions and taking ownership stakes in the banks the consolidation of banks has stopped. The strong are no longer eating the weak as the government has decided that all the banks, both stupid and smart, should continue to exist.

That is a mistake.

I digress.

Who would I have voted for?

Mr. Obama.

The Republicans were on guard during this mess and have to pay for it, and pay they did with the presidency, senate, and congress. So my American friends you will have Democrats running your country.

I wish them and you, all the best.


Someone please send Mr. Obama a copy of Atlas Shrugged.

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