
Move Over Greece

We are German.

This is how you do things.


TimC said...

I stopped watching as soon as I heard that the floors were Canadian maple. Then I knew this was an advertisement for hardwood floors from the Canucks. NEXT!

Solfest said...

The Germans know quality when they see it.

Maple syrup and maple floors, ya baby.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Krauts, who else could do that...the Japs maybe, and that's about it.

Having said that, it's ironic they built that white elephant Phaeton there, which was a technically marvelous car - but I think they sold 2 of those marvelous but soulless appliances....and that factory was downsized to build those little Golfs and Rabbits....

Solfest said...

I wondered why I had never heard of that car.