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Anonymous said...

I don't want to seem like I'm seeing black helicopters here, but is there any way that this wasn't intentional?

Anonymous said...

excellent video

Solfest said...

Intentionally destroying the economy? Why?

I'll refer to my shiny new blog title, capital is scarce, and scarcity requires choice.

Capital became abundant, so choice was no longer required.

Choice means two possibilities, yes or no.

No was removed from the equation and bad things happened.

Anonymous said...

Intentionally because you can:

Centralize power
Pick up assets at fire sale prices
Pave the way for more legislation

Anytime people are afraid and demoralized, you can pretty much get anything through that you want.

Plus, despite all the losses incurred, you could have made a killing also.

This could be one of the major shifts of our time.

Solfest said...

You really are a conspiracy theorist.

It certainly will be a major shift in the way the banks and the rest of the world view debt.

No is back in the equation.

Capital is scarce, treat it as such.