
Vote For Me

As the market was chopping up and down today I was watching those Milton Friedman videos on uglychart.com.

Some thoughts.

We just went through an election here in Canada and the Americans go to the polls in a couple of days. It's interesting to watch how the politicians pan for our votes. Interesting may not be the right word, disgusting may be more appropriate.

How many more years can the free world continue to exist if the only way to get elected is to promise to cut taxes and increase spending. The more important question is whose fault is that?

The answer is it’s our fault. As stated in one of those Friedman interviews we all want the government to take someone else’s money and spend it on us.

How many more years can the U.S. government continue to spend more than they take in? The current plan seems to be forever. There is no party that is going to stop it. Obama appears that he is going to get elected as he promises to spend billions. He says he will cut the same amount from somewhere. Somewhere? Where?

We all know it won't happen, the deficit will grow and the debt currently at 10.5 trillion will continue to grow.

The consumer has discovered that they can't spend more than they earn forever and businesses have always known this simple truth.

The only party that doesn’t understand this is government. If the U.S. government does not stop spending more than they take in the country will eventually collapse.

Iceland went bankrupt, so can America.

There is a simple solution, cut every single expense you can possibly cut, and then raise taxes to cover the expenses left.

That's right, cut government spending and raise taxes.

Can I count on your vote?



Anonymous said...

The sign of true decadence for a nation-state, and thus of imminent failure, is when its citizens believe they have the luxury of taking an ideological/formulaic approach to everything -- and having failed to solve their problems, they believe a stricter application of that approach is necessary to save them.

Friedman fell into this same trap.

Solfest said...

So we can spend more than we earn forever?

Anonymous said...

Not to be too argumentative, but is that question rhetorical?

Solfest said...

After looking up "rhetorical" I would say no. :)

Solfest said...

It's been a long week LT, maybe I misconstrued your Friedman comment.